Refreshing Summer Recipes – Week 4

Ahhh… time for dessert!  There’s nothing like a cool dip of ice cream on a hot summer day.  Add this sweet, minty topping for a delectable treat.  Don’t forget, the mint featured in this recipe can be found at Gramercy Mansion’s own Koinonia Farm.

Vanilla Bean Ice Cream with Minted Honey Mango Sauce

3 cups chopped peeled mangoes, divided
6 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons mild honey
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon finely chopped mint
fresh raspberries for garnish
Vanilla bean ice cream

Purée 2 cups mango with water, honey, and sugar in a blender until smooth.
Transfer to a serving bowl and stir in remaining cup mango and mint. Serve
over vanilla ice cream and garnish with mint leaves & fresh raspberries.

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